Monday, January 14, 2013

UNGLUED - 60 day Devotional by Lysa Terkeurst

So, I got this book from Zondervan for free and I said in return I would review it.  I wasn't too keen to read it when I first received it because I was "having one of those days" and I didn't think it would make it better.  So I let it sit and I looked at it for 2 days. Finally I decided to just get it over with and at least read one day's entry.  Well, let me tell you, this devotional is a powerful little book. One day led to two and now I must say, there are some gems of wisdom in this little book.  It speaks to you when you're at your wit's end and have had enough and it gives you ways to look at things in a different perspective.  It's not preachy but is "real" and gives you scripture and little stories to help you have a different mental outlook.  I highly recommend this book.  It is encouraging.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="misc_images/Affiliate21.JPG" alt="" /></a></p>

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Green Giant Steamers (review and coupon)

We had the Tuscan Broccoli and it was surprisingly delicious. My husband I both ate it and we were totally blown away by the flavor. I like broccoli but this made it really stand out.
Here's a link for a coupon for the Green Giant Steamers, I highly recommend this product.

Friday, November 9, 2012

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This Perdue Oven Ready Chicken is really good.  It's fast, easy and delicious. 90 minutes and you have a meal.  Put it in the oven when you get home from work.  Change your clothes, relax. prepare your side dishes and 90 minutes later you're done.  It doesn't get any easier.

The  picture didn't show up but trust me, the product is great.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another Day in the Life

Today was a lot of work, at work.  I got so much done! Now I want to bake some cookies. I hope I can find the energy. I saw these cookies on another blog (below) and I'm going to try them.

I'll take a picture once they're done.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

I'm not a big cheesecake eater but since I've been low carbing and hubby has joined me, I've decided to get on board.  I made one last month (my first one) and it was good so I decided to take the plunge and make another.  This one is chocolate chip cheesecake and it came out pretty good.


1/4 cup coconut flour
1 egg
1/2 cup almond meal
2 packets splenda

Three 8 oz. packages of cream cheese (room temperature)
4 eggs (room temperature)
8 oz. sour cream or 8 oz. plain yogurt
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon almond (optional)
1 cup Splenda (or sweetener of choice)
1 cup lower carb chocolate chips (I used 85% chocolate)
Water for water bath

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix ingredients for crust either in blender or food processor.  I used my Magic Bullet.  I put my hand in a plastic sandwich bag and spread the crust on the bottom and up the sides of a 10 inch springform pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes.  Take crust out and let it cool while you mix the filling.

Put a large pan filled with hot water on the bottom rack of the oven. Leave it in the oven until you remove the cooked cheesecake.  Turn the oven to 300 degrees.  You can mix the filling in a food processor or using a mixer.  I used my KitchenAid stand mixer. 
Mix the cream cheese for 2 minutes. 
Add eggs, one at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition. 
Add sour cream, vanilla and splenda.  Mix another minute or two. 
Spread 1/2 cup of chocolate chips over crust.  Pour half the batter over those chips and then spread another 1/2 cup over batter.  Add the rest of your batter to the pan. 
Put the pan in the oven.  Cook for 45 minutes and then turn the oven off.  Do not open the oven.  Leave the cheesecake in the closed oven for another 45 minutes.  Do not peek, just leave it alone. 
Remove the cheesecake and let it cool for an hour.
Put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours and then it's ready to eat.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Great Day Today!

Got to see Maceo and Michelle.  Maceo is so funny, you  never know what he's going to say.
Busy day today - mammogram first thing in the morning and then super busy at work so no time to exercise.  Hopefully I get to it tomorrow.